18 December 2013

Rough Cut - Miss Miller

Group members: Amber-Louise Reed-Johnson, Jazz Chrystie, Lily Badcock

Watch our rough cut here.


It was important for us to make a rough cut before finalising our opening sequence as we needed feedback so we could make our thriller sequence as good as possible. Also, myself and my group members watched the rough cut and pointed out mistakes, so now we can make improvements ready for our final cut of the sequence. Rough cuts help reveal any editing mistakes, sounds that need changing, music that needs to be added in, shots that need re-filming, etc.

It is imperative that we consider audience feedback as it is critical that we get our film up to the highest possible standard. The feedback that we received from our rough cut was given by an audience of our target audience's age, which means that it is highly relevant to our film. We must make changes and improvements to our film according to the feedback that we received. Furthermore, the audience may have discovered a mistake or bad-quality part of the sequence that myself and my group may have overlooked (possibly due to bias, as this is our film and we want it to be good).
We received our feedback by uploading our rough cut of 'Eternal' to YouTube, creating a PowerPoint presentation discussing our narrative, inspirations and conventions and showing both of these things to our peers (aged 16-17). We received positive and negative feedback and many possible improvements to make on our thriller film. We must make the following improvements: add more music and make the sound/sound effects more relevant to each shot; include more credits and change the font of some of them; re-film some of the shots that are towards the end of the sequence; and generally 'touch up' our thriller sequence. This helps us immensely with finalising our thriller sequence as we now know exactly what can be/needs to be improved, and we will do this as thoroughly as time allows.

1 comment:

  1. You have explained the purpose of a rough cut and feedback as well as stating the usefulness of these activities; however, you need to mention HOW you will make improvements to the feedback given.

    1) Explain how you will make these improvements
    2) Make sure you list all feedback (positive and negative)
    3) Explain in more detail how this will help you further develop your idea
