13 February 2014

AS Evaluation - Question 7

"Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?"

The purpose of the preliminary task was to familiarise ourselves with all the equipment that we used for filming our opening thriller sequence. We learnt how to use the tripod, the camera and the editing software. Furthermore, we learnt how to take all of the theory that we learnt (different camera shots and editing techniques) and actually create/use them. After doing the preliminary task, we knew how to use the editing software properly, how to operate the camera, and how to use the tripod in the best way (how to keep it still, etc). This helped immensely when we were creating our thriller film because afterwards we knew exactly what to do and how to do it, so we could get straight into filming. This cut a lot of time out of the filming process, which made filming easier and more efficient. Therefore we had more time to edit and make sure our thriller looked how we wanted it to.­

During the preliminary task, I was faced with some difficulties. I found the editing software (Final Cut Pro X) difficult to use at first, but through the course of the preliminary task I became better at using it via practice. Another difficulty that I faced was that there were background noises as we were filming, and they can be heard at times during the product of the preliminary task. To avoid repetition of this problem during the filming of our real final product, we made sure to not film when unnecessary noises are made around us. Also, we edited any unwanted sound out of our final cut.

1 comment:

  1. Your analysis of question 7, demonstrates a basic understanding of how you developed from the preliminary task to the main task. You have made a start in considering points on the camera shots and editing styles that you used, however, these points need to be explored and developed in a lot more detail, which will enable you to extend your understanding further.
