19 December 2013

Indivdual Storyboard - Miss Miller

The purpose of a storyboard is to illustrate how we each envision the opening sequence of our thriller film. Storyboards will help us in our current planning stage as we will each express our own ideas of what we think the opening sequence should look like. This means that everyone involved in the creative process of a film can express their individual ideas before a finalised storyboard is produced. In turn, this means the film will include only the favoured elements, as crew members would have decided, after the initial individual storyboards are made, on what features to include in the film.

We have each created an individual storyboard because it is important that we illustrate what we would like to include in our opening scene. Each member of the group will have good points and bad points in their storyboard. After we have created our individual storyboards, we will combine all of our best ideas to create our final group storyboard. This allows for the best possible group storyboard.

I feel that my opening sequence idea portrays influences from films such as Saw, as the killer has a backstory/reason for the killings, and there are dark and mysterious locations involved. It may even be noted that there is inspiration taken from Psycho, as no actual stabbing/violence is shown on screen. Inspiration has been loosely taken from Orphan, as the opening scene/narrative has the idea of not always knowing what a person is capable of. Furthermore, Orphan has a female killer and so does this film. This film's killer has a hidden identity, which is something that most thriller films have in common.

I think my storyboard is a moderately good illustration of what I would like to see in my thriller opening scene. It may help my group in this storyboard process as I may have ideas that they like and want to include in the finished product. Although I conveyed my ideas in these storyboards, I feel as if I should have included more frames. This is something my group and I will consider when creating our group storyboard.ž

Storyboard page 1

Storyboard page 2

Storyboard page 3
When planning my storyboard, I encountered an issue. I found it relatively difficult to convey my ideas into set frames. To overcome this, I thought carefully about everything that I wanted to include in the film, and converted them into the storyboard(s) above.


  1. You have covered all the main points in a brief summary of your storyboard, by mentioning some of the things you have included and where you have taken your inspirations from. However, you need to elaborate further and describe some aspects in a bit more detail so that we can see why you have included certain elements in the hope of creating a particular emotion etc.

    To improve your post you need to:
    1) Elaborate on your analysis in more detail by describing what you have included in certain frames and why (to create what?)
    2) Discuss any issues you came across when planning your storyboard and how as a group you will rectify them
    3) Generally try and go into more detail about why storyboards are used when planning films and what you have included in yours and why

  2. You have provided an in depth analysis of the purpose of storyboards and your plans to develop your own individual one further with your group later on. You have identified issues you have encountered and explained how you overcame them.
    You need to include a brief summary after each page explaining what the frames contain in terms of micro-elements used and why to further improve your post.
